Sunday, June 03, 2007


... with a little bit of holiday fun.

Yes, it is the GSS here in Singapore and while this shopaholic is dying to get some action done, work has not be letting up. Instead, I have been indulging in therapeutic beading though I am super behind in some orders and worse still, messed some up. *runs and hangs head in shame*

BUT... a new collection is brewing in the background. I am pretty excited by it and some other bead related stuff that is coming up. More details soon enough. Hopefully within the next week or two. I cannot keep such stuff secret for too long!

Oh yes, back to the sale. For quite a long time I have been thinking of getting you, my dear customers to send in pictures of Bead Haven items worn. And finally, I am asking for it! Send in a clear photo of yourself or a friend modelling the items and get a 10% discount of current items (May - June 07 dated items).

For everyone else, or those who have yet to purchase anything from Bead Haven (why why??!) , join the "inner circle". Get a 10% discount off purchases of items dated from January - April 07. (Existing customers get 15% discount).

Please note, in all cases, customisations and remakes do not qualify for the discount. If in any doubt, just drop me a note.

So... hurry, send in your photos and orders now. :)

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